What exactly does China Global IP do?
We can assist with virtually any crisis, emergency or serious non-emergency situation that you or your loved one experiences in a foreign country. For more information on the services we provide please click the OUR SERVICES tab at the top of this page.
What do your services cost?
Because every crisis or emergency is unique please call us to obtain a quote. Most of our services are based on a flat-fee structure. Additional expenses that are incurred are calculated and billed per actual costs. We do not believe it is ethical to make a profit on necessary expenses that result from helping you navigate your crisis or emergency. Travel, hotel and per diem expenses for your "on location" Global Representative (GR) are ALWAYS included in the flat-fee quote. In addition, we never charge for an initial consultation.
Is China Global a law firm?
No. Our founding partner is a practicing attorney licensed in New York and Arizona, however Global Crisis Group is a crisis consulting firm. The legal background of our team however, is one of our most critical assets and make us powerful liaisons and representatives when helping you with your crisis abroad.
I have a very unique situation and need assistance fast. Can you help?
As long as you are asking us to do something that is legal and ethical, chances are we can help. Call us to find out.
I need your services immediately, but because of the highly sensitive nature of the situation I have concerns about confidentiality.
Our team exercises unparalleled discretion at all times and guards client confidentiality with zealous rigor.
What if I don't need one of your Global Representatives in person in the foreign country, but just need advice or remote assistance?
We specialize in solving problems and guiding our clients through the most difficult times of their lives. Often we can offer solutions remotely. We work for our clients. We advise and recommend, but they decide how to utilize our services. The majority of time, we can help without being physically present in the foreign country.